Face to Face: DIY Daft Punk Helmet 17 Months in the Making

posted by sooyup

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What is the ultimate dream gift for your favorite Daft Punk fan? Why, a replica of Guy Manuel de Homem-Christo’s light-up gold helmet, of course. And Harrison Krix, the designer behind Volpin Props, recently spent 17 months of his life creating the ultimate Daft Punk helmet. His project involved countless man-hours, help from plenty of experts, and a great deal of ingenuity and creativity.

The end result is so cool it’s almost unreal. The flashing lights, tinted visor and glossy finish look just like the original thanks to the (hopefully figurative) blood, sweat and tears that went into its painstaking creation.

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After spending the better part of a year and a half on the helmet, Krix decided to build matching handplates to go along with the headpiece. Just like with the helmet, the designer put an incredible amount of care and work into this project.

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Although the helmet has gained its creator a fair amount of Internet attention, he has no plans to startproducing his own line of Daft Punk replicas. And at $700 for just the electronics, not many of us could afford them if he did. So until we learn to do all of this stuff on our own, we’ll have to be content to drool over these pictures and videos.

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