Solar, wind-powered ‘Water Vapor’ allows plants to survive in deserts too

posted by sooyup

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The “Water Vapor” is one ingenious design that will make sense to those living in deserted areas or places suffering from drinking water contamination. Designed by Korean designers Sang-Wook Park, Lee Sin-Jeong, Lee Ho-Young and Jo Hyeon-Ju, the solar- and wind-powered design converts air into vapor by causing temperature differences through a vortex tube. The central vortex tube spins at a rate of 1,000,000 rpm, compressing the air, releasing warm air between 30-90 degrees C.

The vapors produced by Water Vapor provide sufficient water for the plants to survive, along with moisture from the soil. The idea behind the design was to create an environment where plants could live in areas with contaminated drinking water and deserted soil. The Water Vapor is one of the shortlisted entries from more than 4000 participants in the ‘iida awards 2010′ competition.

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