Vignerons in the round series: Saumur

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Régis Néau with Emilie, his daughter who is taking over running Domaine de Nerleux from Régis & Babette

A few more photos in my emerging series on taking photos of vignerons in the round. All three here make both Saumur-Champigny and Saumur.

Richard in front of the Château de Chaintres with a bottle of the 2009 Château, Saumur-Champigny 

Richard Desouche is now well established at Château de Chaintres and his 2009 Champignys tasted today are looking very promising. 

Antoine Sanzay with a barrel sample of 2009 La Salles Martin, Saumur Blanc

I'm confident that Antoine Sanzay, who is based in Varrains, will be one of the future leaders in Saumur/Saumur-Champigny. He is already one of the most exciting of the younger generation of vignerons. Currently only five of his 11 hectares go under his own production – the rest go to the Cave Cooperative of Saint-Cyr. His contract with the coop runs until 2013 and it will not be renewed.  

Despite the quality of his wines he has no importer in the UK. He doesn't have big volumes to sell but even so you would have thought there was an English importer who would be keen to import Antoine's wines.    

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