Central Vineyards sales results: 2007 – 2008

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The figures for the year (September 2007 – August 2008) have just been released. Total sales from the eight Central Vineyards appellations are over 300,000 hectolitres – that’s over 37.5 million bottles to you and I. This is nearly the same volume as the previous campaign (2006-07) – just slightly down by 0.7% overall. Some of the smaller appellations have seen a marked rise in sales: Quincy (+15%), Menetou-Salon (+6%) et Reuilly (+ 5%). In contrast Sancerre dropped by 2% and Pouilly by 4% – apparently due to volumes available for sale in September 2007 being less than they were in September 2006.

Sales on the home market showed a slight increase – up 2% with Quincy (15%) and Châteaumeillant leading, although both are small appellations (236 ha and 98 ha respectively).

Exports account for 49% of total sales – of this 93% is white. The UK, US, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Canada and Scandinavia are the principal markets.

With the credit crunch, general economic gloom and the fall in the value of sterling against the Euro, although the rise in the dollar vis à vis the Euro may offset this, it will be interesting to see how the sales over the next year hold up. Volumes to sell are likely to be down as quantity in 2008 looks to be down due to a difficult flowering and hail in Pouilly in late June.

Source: BIVC

The appellations of the Central vineyards:
Coteaux de Giennois

There are 5243 ha in production – Sancerre accounts for 53% of the vines planted. White varieties account for 4146 (Sauvignon Blanc:: 4113; Chasselas: 33). Red varieties (mainly Pinot Noir): 1004 ha.

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