Mind the Creases! 6 Uber-Geeky Ways to Fold Your Shirts

posted by sooyup

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With the multitude of things to geek out on in our tech-rich world, you wouldn’t think that folding shirts would be high on the list. But apparently there is a whole sub-culture of people who just can’t resist a gimmick or gadget to help get their t-shirts folded into the perfect little package. The folks over at core77 were nice enough to compile a whole list of YouTube instructional videos all designed to help you pwn your laundry.

The video that (allegedly) started it all is this one: “Japanese Way of Folding T-Shirts!” It’s truly magical, and you might actually have to watch it a few times before you understand what in the world is happening. Once you get the hang of it, though, your shirts will thank you.

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