Lisbon@Ibo restaurant

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Sitting on the dock of the bay...

Had a very good dinner with impeccable service at Ibo restaurante in Lisbon's Cais do Sodré last night. Although it opened three years ago it was the first time we had been, having only recently heard about it. The cooking is a blend of Portugal and Mozambique. We could have been outside but opted to sit upstairs, which both gives you a better view over the Tagus and keeps you away from the groups of smokers who regular leave their tables inside to have a quick fag outside.

Side of the restaurant with its view over the Tagus

View from upstairs dining room (above and below)

Three master (Principe Perfeito) approaches and passes

Nightime views from Ibo

including the diving Christ

Viewed through a glass on 2008 Meandro do Vale Meão

Douro white: 2009 Casa Amarela

Douro white: 2010 CARM

Highlights of the meal for me were the succulent breaded prawns with a variety of sauces and then the Mozambiquan crab curry. We started with a glass of white from the Douro – the 2010 Casa Amarela and the 2010 CARM Reserva. Both were good with the Casa Amarela a little richer and fuller than the CARM. Then we enjoyed a bottle of the excellent value and reliable Meandro, the second wine of Quinta do Vale Meão.

Armazém A – Compartimento 2,
Cais do Sodré
1200-450 Lisboa
Tel: 21.342.36.11

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