Woodland Home – A Hobbit-looking House in Wales

posted by sooyup

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Not being a builder or carpenter and having little experience, Simon Dale built this wooden house for him and his family. It’s located in Wales somewhere in the middle of the forest, and it looks like a little Hobbit house from the Lord of the Rings. It’s all built out of natural materials, and the main tools used were a chainsaw, hammer and 1 inch chisel. Simon managed to build this “cottage” because he had the belief, and now and then he also got help from some of his friends.
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Some of the characteristics of the wooden house are that it’s dug inside a hillside for shelter, lime plaster and mud are used to keep the walls sticking together, straw balls are used in floor, roof and walls, solar panels are installed for lightning, music and computers, and skylight on the roof gives natural light. Simon thinks that living in such a house is like living in harmony in touch with the nature. Speaking of unusual houses, check out this Steampunk house.
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