2011 Loire vintage: picking Sauvignon Blanc@Le Clos Roche Blanche

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Emptying 2011 Sauvignon Blanc grapes into the trailer

The 2011 vintage started at the CRB this afternoon despite the overnight rain and despite it being Friday – "work started on a Friday is never finished" is an old saying. The Sauvignon Blanc grapes looked good with rare traces of rot plus some affected by wasp stings which apparently produces vinegar and affected bunches need to be discarded.

"When we checked the maturity of the grapes they were at 11.5%-12% potential," said Catherine Roussel, "but the acidity levels are already low – 4.5. I'm happy if our Sauvignon Cuvée No2 is around 12%. I'm tired of Sauvignon at 14%, although the grapes for Cuvée No 5 will be a bit riper but No2 is for easy, refreshing drinking."

The team of pickers gathers for the off 
Catherine Roussel issuing instructions on what to pick and what not to ...

Two hod carriers – on right Laurent Saillard

Making a start

2011 Sauvignon Blanc (above and below)

Bucket of grapes 

Laurent sending a text, while waiting for the next load of grapes

Catherine watching grapes go into the trailer

Bunches building up in trailer

Dog's verdict on pickers and the 2011 vintage

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