Juicy Little Device Keeps Your iPhone + iPod Hopping

posted by sooyup

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One of the major drawbacks to owning an iPhone is that you want to use it for pretty much everything – and that results in your battery wearing down alarmingly quickly. The Mophie Juice Pack can save you from the frustration of being away from a charger with no juice. The tiny little gadget fits on your keychain but can give your iPhone a much-needed power boost in almost no time.

The Juice Pack charges via an integrated USB connector. When your iPhone or iPod needs a shot of power, you plug the Juice Pack in and let it transfer its power over to your device’s battery. It charges super-quickly and super-efficiently, so you won’t need to stand around waiting for half an hour before making that important phone call (by which we mean finishing that really hard level on Angry Birds).

One of the best parts of this design is the fact that the charging cables are integrated into the device, so there’s no need to fumble with yet another USB cable in your backpack/purse/pocket. Hidden LEDs indicate how much juice you’ve got left. The Juice Pack lasts for over 500 complete charging cycles, making it a pretty good deal at just under $35 – especially if you really can’t live without your iPhone for even a few minutes.

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