Spy Gear has put out a lot of interesting toys for aspiring Spy Kids for a long time.
One of their most recent additions is the Security Scanner, which is essentially one of those metal detecting wands that a security guard might use put in a toy form.
Oddly enough, it actually works. I found that there was this dial for “sensitivity”. If it was turned up all the way, it would go off all the time. If it was turned midway and pressed up against the pocket, it detected anymetal with a beep and a green light.
Apparently, kids are supposed to use this to Scan every agent from head to toe. After all, you never know who is hiding metal objects. Man, this is real Patriot stuff being peddled here.
I’m not saying that this toy is encouraging propaganda, as it is probably necessary to have security wands like those used by the TSA. As you see in the title, this toy could be made for those aspiring TSA employees. The TSA could use a few good men (and women) after all of these stories of unnecessary pat-downs.