5th edition of Louis Roederer International Wine Writer Awards

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Frédéric Rouzard, managing director of Louis Roederer, at the presentation of the 2008 awards in London last September

Louis Roederer are now inviting entries for their International Wine Writers' Awards. There are seven categories including Category 5: Online Wine Writer of the Year 2009 – for entries on specialist websites or blogs.

'Louis Roederer is pleased to announce the fifth Louis Roederer International Wine Writers’ Awards and is now inviting entries from writers and broadcasters worldwide, whose main profession is writing or broadcasting about wine.

The winner of each category will receive £1,500 and a magnum of Louis Roederer Cristal. Where more than one writer is named on the work, the prize will be shared.

Closing date for entries to be received is 27th March 2009. A shortlist will be announced before the presentation of the awards in September.'

Tom Cannavan (wine-pages) winner in 2008 of the first on-line wine writer award with Michel Janneau, deputy managing director of Louis Roederer. Different hair styles but they obviously use the same optician.

Panel of judges

Charles Metcalfe
(Chairman of the Judges)
Wine Writer, Presenter, Co-chairman of the International Wine Challenge, Trophy winner at the Louis Roederer Wine Writers’ Awards 2008

Simon Berry
Chairman of Berry Bros & Rudd Ltd, Keeper of the Royal Cellars

Victoria Moore
Author and feature writer at the Daily Mail and wine columnist for the Guardian

Andrew Jefford
Journalist, author and presenter, Trophy winner at the Louis Roederer Wine Writers’ Awards 2007 & 2008

Tom Cannavan
winepages.com thewinegang.com
Trophy winner at the Louis Roederer Wine Writers’ Awards 2008

Thierry Grillet
(Artistry of Wine Judge)
Directeur des Affaires Culturelles de la Bibliothéque Nationale de France

Full details here:

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