American Wine Blog Awards

posted by sooyup on

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Nominations for these awards close tomorrow on 8th February. Click here to nominate your favourite wine blogs. The awards are run by Tom Wark's Fermentation: The daily wine blog.

'The first thing to note is that by most accounts there must be upwards of 800 wine blogs on the Internet. I suspect at least 500 of those, or more, are written in English and therefore eligible for being considered as a nominee in the seven categories listed below.' At the Wine Blog Trophy presentation at the Salon des Vins Anne-Sophie Lerouge estimated that there were now 62 million blogs worldwide and some two million of these were based in France. Not sure how these two estimates dovetail but fascinating all the same!

Very pleased that Jim's Loire has received several nominations in the single subject award section, which I see from the rules means that it will go forward to the next stage – to be assessed by the judges who decide whether the blog has sufficient merit to make it one of four finalists in each category. It makes no difference how many times a blog is nominated.

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