Elisabeth Poulain: 'Le Vin aussi est affaire de femmes'

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Pithon-Paillé: Wendy Wilson, Joseph Paillé, Isabelle and Jo Pithon

Micaela Frow (La Grande Maison) has kindly brought to my attention a link to Jim's Loire that Elisabeth Poulain makes in an article about Joseph Paillé of Pithon-Paillé. Elizabeth wrote Le Vin aussi est affaire de femmes. I haven't met Elisabeth but Micaela tells me that 'she has been writing about the Loire and it's wines for many years'. Here is Elisabeth's blog. I will have to look out for Le Vin aussi est affaire de femmes as well as the women that make wine in the Loire, there are many women at wine estates throughout the Loire, who play an unsung role keeping the show on the road, while the spotlight and the plaudits falls on the man.

Charles Joguet expose à l'Hôtel de Ville de Tours (20.05 au 20.06)
Elisabeth's posting of the 8th May covers the Charles Joguet exhibition in Tours:

‘Sa prochaine exposition à l’Hôtel de Ville de Tours en témoigne. Elle va durer un mois (20 mai au 20 juin) chaque après-midi du lundi au samedi de 14 h à 18h.’

Charles was always a painter. When he retired from running his Chinon domaine in 1997 he was able to devote more time to his painting.

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