25 September 2009
Jeanne Ferron, one of the 14 storytellers employed by the départment of Indre-et-Loire, came to Epeigné-les-Bois and gave a spell-binding performance of storytelling last evening. Jeanne's performance, which was part of the 12th edition of the Festival de la Parole, lasted well over an hour. Her main story was called Finon-Finette and involved a king, a randy prince, three princesses in a tower, chastity belts in gold and diamonds that didn't work but a thick glass one (Duralex brand) that did, and two pregnancies. There were just over 80 kids and adults in the audience.
Epeigné-les-Bois well tanned (from a few days in London) Maire introduced Jeanne Ferron and the Festival de la Parole
Epeigné-les-Bois well tanned (from a few days in London) Maire introduced Jeanne Ferron and the Festival de la Parole