Incomprehensible Intersections throughout the World

posted by sooyup

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Modern drivers are understandably confounded and rightfully annoyed, when faced with such traffic-routing masterpieces as these: (see the whole list of them in Wikipedia here).
1 Incomprehensible Intersections throughout the World
Tom Moreland Interchange, intersection of Interstate 85 and Interstate 285, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
3 Incomprehensible Intersections throughout the World
The Central Motorway Junction – New Zealand State Highways 1 and 16, Auckland, New Zealand.

4 Incomprehensible Intersections throughout the World
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(image credit: Yann Arthus-Bertrand)
They are called the “Malfunction Junctions”, or “Spaghetti Intersections”, and they are located almost in every major city in the West. You can find the streets that end nowhere, streets that strangely allow traffic in both direction (without providing proper lanes), streets that change names more often than a communist Cold War spies.
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 Incomprehensible Intersections throughout the World
5 Incomprehensible Intersections throughout the World
Wonders of image manipulation:
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