Open-Source Robotic Ball Runs on Smartphone Juice

posted by sooyup

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Now that we can control our DVRs, cars and home security systems via smartphone, it’s about time we got started on something serious, like robotic balls. A start-up called Orbotix is introducing a Bluetooth-controlled robotic ball called Sphero. It may sound like a silly concept at first, but the video below proves that the team has developed a truly sensational navigational interface.

The team behind Orbotix point out that the open API means developers can come up with their own apps and games for one Sphero or for a group of them. With an expected commercial release of late 2011, office Sphero battles are only a matter of months away. And because they’re a couple of super-smart guys, the Orbotix team also plans to put their brainpower toward creating some more practical applications for their technology in the near future.

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