2009 Salon des Vins de Loire: 2nd-4th February

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It is now less than three weeks to the annual Salon des Vins de Loire held in the Parc des Expositions at Angers. This friendly and very professionally run Salon is a great opportunity to taste wines and meet producers from all over the Loire – from the Pays Nantais up to the Côtes de Forez hundreds of kilometres upstream – all in one place.

Am now receiving reminders of the date from many producers including Pithon-Paillé, the new Jo and Isabelle Pithon venture along with Isabelle's son Joseph Paillé. Their stand is at I 196 in the Grand Palais. They claim to have a website: www.pithon-paille.com but it doesn't seem to be working yet.

Pithon-Paillé, Château la Fresnaye, 49190 Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné.
Email: pithon-paille@orange.fr

Salon des Vins de Loire

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