Record low temperatures in Touraine

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The big freeze continues, although there was a brief respite during today when temperatures rose – occasionally it was up to 0˚C – some of the snow has thawed and most of the roads are now passable, except for small roads in isolated comunes. Tonight further low temperatures are forecast.

Today's Nouvelle République reports that over the night of Tuesday/Wednesday temperatures in Indre et Loire fell as low as -15˚C with -13.1˚C recorded in Tours. This, however, is not a record as this is still held by the night 29 December 1964 when -18.5˚C was recorded. Nevertheless the current spell of very cold weather is the coldest since the Januarys of 1985 and 1987.

Away from the cold I have posted more of my still unfinished profile of Mikaël Bouges.

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