Big freeze continues but not for much longer

posted by sooyup on

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Sunlight on L'Eglise of Epeigné-les-Bois

Saturday/Sunday night was again very cold – around minus 6/7 perhaps while on some nights this week the temperature has dropped to minus 12-13. Day-time temperatures haven't risen above freezing for a week. Some minor roads are still snow covered from Monday's snow fall. The sky is brilliantly blue and the countryside looks wonderful in the sunlight.

Sunrise over the plan d'eau

Looking across the snow and ice covered plan d'eau

Road from Epeigné to Château de Montpoupon still
snow covered six days after Monday's snow fall

However, the cold's grip should start to loosen today. Daytime highs of 3˚C are forecast – lunch outside to celebrate perhaps? By Tuesday some light rain from the west is forecast with highs of 6˚C.

Epeigné-les-Bois: small house in the snow

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