Epeigné-les-Bois: flood and Clos Roussely boutique in Angé

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The overflowing Chezelle
Heavy rain over the last 24 hours or so has caused the Chezelle, the local stream to burst its banks, and flood the water meadows. When the snow melted a week or ten days ago, the Chezelle had flooded then too. The ground is obviously saturated, so flooding is likley to occur. Fortunately it is no great drama as there are no houses built on the water meadows and the flood waters will recede in time.

Vincent Roussley's temporary boutique in centre of Angé

We discovered this afternoon that Vincent Roussely (Clos Roussely), who is now based in Angé, has a temporary boutique on the Place de l'Eglise in the centre of Angé. Sometime next year when all the work around the winery (11 Route du Château) is completed, the boutique will move to these new premises.

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