Target Identified: DARPA’s Terminator-Like Vision Helmet

posted by sooyup

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The system will include multiple cameras that will capture everything going on all around the wearer, letting him see what’s behind him and on all sides with a wearable eyepiece. But just seeing is not exactly revolutionary…so this gadget will also offer hands-free 10X zoom, computer-enhancement, object recognition, targeting assistance and projectile tracking. That means that, like the Terminator, U.S. soldiers will be able to use their enhanced vision to find, identify and lock onto a target.

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But the enhanced vision won’t stop at what the individual soldier can see. The SCENICC will be networked, giving each soldier the ability to see what other soldiers and even unmanned vehicles are seeing. The system is firmly in the development stage right now, with a prototype still several years off. But given the cutting-edge technology that needs to go into a networked, lightweight, 360-degree viewing machine, a few years doesn’t seem like a very long wait at all.

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