Claude Aupetitgendre – Touraine and Montlouis: Portes Ouvertes 7th May

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Claude Aupetitgendre with his Montlouis methode traditionnelle

Claude Aupetitgendre is a vigneron in Civray de Touraine (AC Touraine) in the hamlet of Thoré just off the road from Tours to Vierzon (D976). Thoré is actually closer to Bléré than it is to the centre of Civray. He has 8.5 hectares here and has long grassed over his vineyards and aims for low yields.

In 2007 he entered into partnership Jacques Gozard to produce Montlouis from two hectares of vines near to Château de la Bourdaisière. They put together an association of 58 wine lovers – many from Paris but also some from further afield, Norway for instance.

The wines of Domaine de Montory are vinified in Lussault where this Saturday (7th May) they are holding an open day at 11 Vallée Saint-Martin from 10h-18h. 

 Claude with his sparkling Montlouis, Touraine Cuvée les Lys (Cabernet, Côt and Gamay)

Cuvée les Lys

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