Eco-friendly bamboo skin makes Tang Palace restaurant look stunning

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Go green’ is the buzz word today and what better way to go green than to use a very eco-friendly and natural bamboo structure to give a new look to your place. Tang Palace Restaurant, located at Hangzhou, China has just done the same turning ordinary place into a latest design contemporary restaurant.

FCJC, a Beijing based design firm, has used this concept for Tang Palace to give it a very stylish and aesthetic feel. The firm has used a limited pallet of bamboo and has enclosed the interior of the restaurant by a wall of bamboo strands giving human scale feel to the 9 meter tall room and also hiding the private dining rooms above.

The two tier restaurant has a suspended stairway leading up to the second floor where the small private dining room are located. Glowing like small altars, these rooms are suspended by wires from the ceiling, giving guests a unique opportunity to a view down below through the top of the bamboo structure. The bamboo structure is carefully made from composite strands and is meticulously bent and hung from wire mounted in the ceiling. These private rooms are partitioned by vertical bamboo sticks giving the much needed privacy from the large dining room but still leaving ample space for air circulation.

The entrance itself exhibits the bamboo sticks as they slowly rise from the floor enveloping the wall and creating the ceiling that gradually poses at the top. Bamboo structure has been so designed that leaves ample space for open seating as well as private rooms. Hard concrete walls and blocks are made to look elegant by enveloping them by the bamboo lattice and thin pallets. Thus each area takes on a different characteristic giving an organic feel to the place and that unique experience to the diners.

Also, in addition to using the go green concept what the use of this bamboo structure has done is that it has saved some expense on some costly interior decoration without compromising on quality. Also, the look and feel of the restaurant is something that diners will enjoy in addition to the sumptuous food.

Tang Palace Restaurant Picture Gallery

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