A portable vacation capsule to attach to any rooftop

posted by sooyup

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Have you ever wanted a capsule all to yourself? A luxury mobile home that you could take with you wherever you went, to live the good life off the rooftop in Manhattan or in the middle of the Amazon? Well, it’s finally here, as a concept though, but yes, very close to what you’ve been dreaming of late. There are clearly people with a lot of spare time on their hands at the Nau Architecture Corporation, who spend it dreaming up futuristic homes, that will, in all probability, never see the light of day, but hey, it doesn’t hurt to imagine, right? Just ask John Lennon.

The idea is thus - a futuristic vacation capsule, equivalent to today’s mobile home, but better. Seeing how it’s powered by green energy and can attach itself to the rooftop of any building you please; and if you don’t like the view, you just pick another spot. The would-be creators will also have you believe that it could be transported into the wild. Of course it can - seeing how it’s in their imagination. In addition, this castle-in-the-air pod would also be able to switch from office, to lounge, to bedroom at the flick of a switch. That’s easy enough. If you’re in a James Bond movie.

However, this mobile home can only be driven around, which reveals a gaping hole in this whole plan. How do you get it to the top of buildings? It would certainly put a dent in your carbon saving scheme if you needed to airlift this baby to every skyscraper you want to. Since we’re imagining, why not just give it wings instead? And jet engines. And a strip-club. Okay, I’ll stop.

Living Room by NAU Picture Gallery

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