Chinon vertical: 1934-2005 – enjoying the 1975 and 1990

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At the end of the Chinon vertical tasting on 16th September we were allowed to chose from spare bottles left over from the tasting. I chose the 1975 Gérard Spelty and the 1990 Domaine de la Noblaie, which I have enjoyed drinking. The 1975 still has quite substantial tannins and acidity, especially when tasted by itself. However, the aromas are powerful and complex – fruit and spice – and drinking it over a meal there is time to return to it and see it change and evolve. The 1975 still has sweet, evolved fruit and structure before its long vibrant finish. Unlikely to get better, this should still last a few years.

1990 Chinon, Domaine de la Noblaie

The 1990 from Domaine de la Noblaie has the sweet, voluptuous, feminine charm expected of a 1990. Lovely to drink it doesn't have the extra dimension of the 1989 Nobalie, also included in the tasting. This wine was made by François Billard, the father of Jérôme.

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