TOTO's Toilet Trike hits Japanese streets

posted by sooyup

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If you think this smells like a PR stunt, you're right. In an effort to raise awareness about bathroom emissions and water savings, Japanese toilet manufacturer TOTO has created the Toilet Bike Neo Project ... yep, it's a road-going, three-wheeled toilet fueled by "biogas" generated from the toilet waste.

The toilet trike will hit the Japanese roads in the coming days, making its way from Kyushu to Tokyo with many press stops along the way.

And as if having a toilet as the rider's seat isn't enough to attract attention, the bike also features an LED lamp mounted on a column at the rear which is used to create the impression of a floating message as the bike zooms past. The rider will also be able to keep informed of the latest stock prices or weather reports as this toilet talks.

The Toilet Bike Neo will remain a one-and-only prototype to be used as a promotional tool for TOTO, so we needn't worry about future toilet trikes zooming down our highways. The talking toilet feature, on the other hand, is included in most of TOTO's latest toilet creations.

To follow the bike's journey across Japan, you can read the TOTO blog here.

TOTO's stated mission is to reduce bathroom CO2 emissions to 50% less than the recorded levels in 1990 by the year 2017.

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