Salon des Vins de Loire: 23rd edition 2nd-4th February 2009

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Poster from the 2004 edition

The start of the 2009 edition of the annual Salon des Vins de Loire is now only just over two months away. Held at the Parc des Expositions (Exhibition Centre) Angers this is France’s only annual regional Salon and is a unique opportunity to talk to producers from right the way along the Loire – from the Côtes de Forez to the Pays Nantais.

Two popular stands: Alphonse Mellot and behind the one that groups
some of the heavyweights: Deletang, Druet, Huet,
Luneau-Papin, Marionnet, Taluau-Foltzenlogel.

Open only to professionals, the Salon is both very well run and friendly. Unmissable!

ViniBeGood is another very popular stand

Jim’s Loire will shortly be offering odds from Mystic Marguerite, who lives in the heart of the Forêt de Loches, on how many British wine journalists and writers manage to make it to the Salon for the 2009th edition. Last year it was four.

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"What do you mean my wines are like sorbets? It's the fault of the fridge ......."
Pierre Luneau early on the opening day of the Salon when his wines
have been lowered close to freezing point by his over-enthusiastic fridge.

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