Eric Thorman: changes employer

posted by sooyup on

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The ever industrious Eric Thorman appears to have changed his employer. Only last week Eric was working with Thorman Hunt, now he is claiming in this email (see below) forwarded to me by a Loire producer to work for Richards Walford. This is, of course, nonsense. Loire expert Richard Kelley MW looks after the region for Richards Walford, who work through personal contact often over many years. Eric Thorman has nothing to do Richards Walford. Equally he has nothing to do with Thorman Hunt.

From: eric thorman []
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 6:30 PM

(NB email not sent to individual addresses but a general email sent to possibily hundreds of producers.)

Je suis à la recherche d'un fournisseur afin d'approvisionner mon stock. nous voulions savoir si vous faites de la vente a l'export ,si possible veuillez nous repondre afin que nous passions a une eventuelle commande nous livrons au complexe hotetlier ,et restaurant, casino, bar nous avons un numeros d'acisse et tva l'enlevement par notre transporteur

Merci de m\'indiquer votre mode de reglement car nos reglement sont a 30 jours fin par virement bancaire, nous somme dans l'attente des tarifs depard cave

Dans l'espoir d'une réponse favorable nous vous remercions et à très bientot.

Best Regards
Eric Thorman

TEL 0044 7770696523
(As usual both are mobile numbers)

Richards Walford & Company Ltd
Registered Office (SIEGE SOCIAL):
41 Cornmarket Street, Oxford OX1 3HA
Incorporated in England No. 1631757

Any producers contacted by Eric Thorman or similar scamsters are advised to forward the emails to Paul Cheadle of the Met Police on

More information on these scams here and here.

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