Le Prix Copeaux

posted by sooyup

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On his Chroniques Vineuse blog Hervé, has suggested a new prize – Le Prix Copeaux for spinners who gloss over unfortunate facts. Winners will receive a sachet of oak chips (also called micro-barriques).

Hervé has two early candidates for the new and prestigious award. Roberto Pinetti, marketing of Fratelli Martini, who told Drinks Business that it is difficult to find bad wines in Italy. Robert Beynat, boss of Vinexpo, who trumpeted the signing up of Kendall-Jackson for this year’s Vinexpo in June, while forgetting to mention that the Constellation Group, Torres and the Marqués de Riscal, amongst others, won’t be present.

The worry for Vinexpo, of course, is that once companies like Constellation and Torres break the habit of going to Vinexpo they may decide that they just don’t need the outlay and the hassle of spending a week at an enormous exhibition in Bordeaux and make their absence permanent.

In June 1993 I spent a day at Vinexpo – I hadn’t been before and I have never subsequently felt the urge to return.

Hervé is calling for other candidates – I will try to think of someone from the Loire. He would also like names of bad Italian wines to pass on to Signor Roberto Pinetti.


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