Wine tasting exempted by French parliament

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Salon des Vins de Loire: the threat of having to pay to taste at professional wine events was lifted on 5 March

The French parliament appears to be inching its way to a measure of sanity over Roselyne Bachelot’s ‘Loi Hôpital, Patients, Santé, Territoire’. The proposals to ban ‘open bars’ – where ,on payment of an entry fee, you can drink as much as you want – were passed on Thursday 5th March along with a crucial amendment agreed, exempting wine-tasting for both professional and amateur events as well as tasting at the cellar door.

Still to come are proposals on limiting or banning sales of alcohol in petrol stations as well as regularising alcohol’s position on the internet.

So some good news but amazing that the world's second largest producer and the home of the greatest diversity of wine anywhere on the planet got itself into such a position!

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