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Every night I ask the same question, “Whats the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?” and every time my husband says “I don’t know, I haven’t watched the news.” Odd, I always think to myself, because he always seems to be able to catch the sports update, if he really loved me, wouldn’t he watch the weather too?
Well, I’m not going to worry about it anymore because with the Wireless 3-Day Forecaster and alarm clock I can receive real-time information, completely wirelessly from with no PC or subscription required. The Wireless 3-Day Forecaster receives updates every 15 minutes for both the current and forecasted weather and it lets you save 5 of about 150 cities as your favorites.
The Forecaster is really easy to use, you just twist the dial to view the forecasts one or two days ahead. The 3-Day Forecaster can also display “feels like” temperatures based on the wind and humidity. It also has a built-in alarm clock and automatically displays the accurate time, so you not only know what time you need to get going, you’ll know if you need a sweater of not. So now I can ask my husband some other question he probably won’t answer.