Oddbins: no firm news but "lots of balls up in the air"

posted by sooyup on ,

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I spoke briefly to Lee Manning this morning. He told me that things are taking longer than expected but that there might be a deal today. He wouldn't give any details saying that 'there were lots of balls in the air'. I will try to contact him later today to see if any progress has been made.

However, from comments posted on Jim's Loire recently, things appear pretty gloomy for the Oddbins' workforce with five made redundant from the warehouse yesterday. Apparently they were told that a single buyer hadn't been found and that the remaining shops would be split up.  

See also a report today in harpers.

Update@16.44: still no news – negotiations still on-going. Presumably with several parties if rumours and the harpers report is right. I guess negotations over selling batches of shops. Will anyone get the right to the Oddbins brand?

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