Withings blood pressure monitor gives health updates on your iPhone

posted by sooyup

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Developers at Withings has come up with a scale that interfaces with iPhone to help users get health updates on their mobile gadgets and stay fit and healthy all the time. Capable of tracking the weight of users to tweet on their cellphones, the new medical gadget from Withings also helps them monitor their blood pressure on their iPhone. Plugging at the bottom of the iPhone into the sync port, the gadget stores readings from the special cuff to an app running on the device to allow the users keep a close eye on their health. All the users need to do is sit still to let the cuff with a small pump do all the inflating and deflating. Moreover, you can share the readings on Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault for archiving and sharing the data or reading with health experts. Priced at about $129, the device will reach the stores by the end of this month.

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