Lexus presents world’s most advanced driving simulator

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Keeping the safety concerns at the top, Lexus has come up with what it boasts as the most advanced driving simulator (in last two years) to eliminate the accidents. The simulator consists of a domed pod which is 15ft high and 20ft wide. Located at the Toyota research center in Higashifuji, Japan, the simulator incorporates an actual Lexus in the 56ft diameter dome. The Lexus LS 460 is mounted on a turntable and is surrounded by an interactive 360-degree high-definition audio-visual simulation of real world driving environments.

The simulator not only helps drivers to safely experience various sketchy driving scenarios, but also helps the brand to study the driving behaviors and reaction times before accidents. The simulator is capable of moving forward and backward and can tilt in all directions, thanks to a three-axis six-strut hexapod mounting system. The system stimulates the speed up to 186mph and turn signals up to 360 degree.

Apart from presenting the different traffic scenario and simulating poor driving visibility, the Lexus simulator can also add in factors such as talking navigation systems, text message displays, and other electronic distractions.

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