Abrupt change in the weather

posted by sooyup on

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Lashing rain on a window

Thursday evening saw a marked change in the weather with rain starting around 8pm and continuing until 5am the following morning with some very heavy downpours. Summer has disappeared to be replaced by autumn.

Unfortunately Météo France doesn't have figures yet for how much rain fell – they may be on strike. From Walt's Another American in France site I see that 31mm fell near Saint-Aignan.

There may have been less rain in Anjou and around Sancerre but certainly the Cher Valley got a good soaking.

Yesterday saw some sunny intervals but a little more rain, while this morning it is decidedly cool with thin rain at the moment (10.20am). At noon the temperature is just 12˚C. What a contrast to Wednesday when afternoon temperatures reached 30˚C!

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