Sitting next to Ryan Opaz can be expensive!

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A macro that works

During the Los Grandes de la Rioja tastings I sat next to Ryan Opaz and was seduced by his Canon SX210 IS assisted by Ryan's enthusiasm for this small camera. I have been looking for a new compact that I can just put in my pocket, so I succumbed and ordered one on Thursday through Amazon France while in London and it arrived this morning. Ryan's praise for the macro on the SX210 was a deciding factor as the macro on both the Canon Powershot 1 and Canon PowerShot A620 are both poor giving erratic results. It is often easy to think you have taken a shot in focus only to find later that it is blurred.

So a new toy for the 2010 vintage!

Impressive detail (above and below)

Berries from a distance

The photo of the berries was taken from a distance on the zoom. Although when magnified the berries are a little blurred, the clarity is still pretty impressive.



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