Claude Darroze, Langon

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Claude Darroze eating out under the plain trees
I suspect this may be the last post about our trip around southern France during August. We spent a couple of days staying at the Claude Darroze hotel and restaurant in the centre of Langon, the market town of Sauternes. Back in 1979 on our first visit this was the first Michelin star restaurant we ever ate at and the experience remains memorable. In those days we camped in the municipal site by the Garonne where we encountered some of the largest and most viscous mosquitoes ever. Incidentally the Darroze hotel still supplies each room with a large can of fly and mosquito killer. 

When had two excellent dinners at Claude Darroze. On the second evening it was dry and warm enough to dine outside on the terrace under the plain trees, which is always special. The restaurant's wine list is extensive mainly centred as one would expect on Bordeaux. On each occasion we chose a Bordeaux white for our aperitif and first course and then a red from the south west as they offered better value. On the first night it was the 2003 Montus (Madiran) from Alain Brumont and on the second night the fine 1999 Prince Probus from Clos Triguedina (Cahors).     

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