2010 vintage: coping with rot

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Grey rot – rejected grapes 

Although the red grapes seem to be withstanding the less favourable weather conditions, the Chenin in Montlouis and Vouvray certainly has an increasing amount of rot meaning that those who pick by hand are able to cut out and sort the good grapes from the rotten. Not something that can be done by machine of course, although there is a new generation of picking machine that does apparently sort good from bad. However, I don't think many producers are equipped with these machines, which cost around 190,000€.

These photos were taken during the first sweep through the vines. The best grapes have been left on the vines to ripen further and will probably go into the Rémus cuvée.

Jacky Blot – sorting grapes in Montlouis 

After sorting: the good grapes 

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