EWBC: Vienna 2010

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Now arrived at the Renaissance Hotel. We used the combined airport train and taxi and it worked brilliantly at a very reasonable cost: €28 single for between one and four people. Fast, comfortable train from the airport to the centre. Get off the train, up the escalator and there waiting is our taxi driver! The driver had a small built-in TV in his Mercedes dashboard. The Juventus match was on. At least it was when the car was stopped. As soon as it moved the picture disappeared. Presumably a safety device. Could have over-excited taxi-drivers piling into each other!

Dinner was a little less smooth. Gareth Groves (Bibendum Times), CRM and I had fancied going to the Strasser Brau just across the road and open until one am. Unfortunately the kitchen closed at 10pm and we got there some 10 minutes late. However there was an excellent noodle bar nearby, so we went there instead as did Allison Morrall of PR company Dillon Morrall and two from The Drinks Business. Several beers, a sushi starter and three main courses for 41€. Again excellent value. 

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