Iriver Story HD e-book reader

posted by sooyup

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Are e-book readers going the way of high definition? That certainly looks like it,
 if the naming convention of the iriver Story HD ebook reader is anything to go by.
 Well, this is meant to help you pass time through long flights as well as other
 moments of commute, where it also holds the distinction of bringing yet another 
first to the world – we’re talking about it being the first 6” XGA resolution 
(that’s 768 x 1024 pixels) e-book reader worldwide, sporting 63.8% more pixels
 and faster page turns compared to other models in its class. To know more about
 this little puppy, you will have to read on in the extended post.

The iriver Story HD is touted to deliver outstanding legibility with crisp fonts,
 fast response and high performance courtesy of an advanced i.MX508 eReader
 applications processor from Freescale Semiconductor that is based on ARM 
CortexTM technology. Of course, we are also interested to see how it will fare 
against the Mirasol display from Qualcomm, which frankly at their CES booth 
this year, looked pretty stunning even under direct sunlight. What’s the whole 
point of having great hardware without the relevant software? This is where its
 integrated Wi-Fi connectivity comes in, where the e-book will be able to access 
content through the major content partner. As for which content partner will be
 available, that remains to be seen since it depends on where the iriver Story 
HD is going to debut.

Boasting iriver’s slim and lightweight signatures when it comes to form factor,
 you will also benefit from a QWERTY keypad, accompanied by a curve with 
two-tone colors at the front and back for easy grip and slim design. The Story 
HD will also not come up short where buttons are concerned, where they are located
 from the side to the center of the keypad, boasting an up/down layout instead 
of the right/left design that allows the unit to be more user friendly compared to
 other e-book readers in the market. iriver touts a 3-week battery life with the Story
 HD, although that remains to be seen whether it is left on all the time, or put 
in standby mode – guess we will need to have access to it before we are able to
 come up with a conclusion, eh? Supported formats include Adobe EPUB and PDF 
with DRM. No idea on pricing, but it will becompetitive amongst its peers as it makes
 an appearance in the second quarter of this year.

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