Moth eye-inspired material boosts efficiency of solar cells

posted by sooyup

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In order for a solar cell to be as efficient as possible, the last thing it should be
 is reflective – after all, light should be getting absorbed by it, not being bounced 
off. With that in mind, a few years ago a group of Japanese scientists set out to 
create an antireflective film coating for use on solar cells. What they ended up 
creating utilizes the same principles that are at work in one of nature’s least 
reflective surfaces: moth’s eyes.

The moth-eye film was developed by Noboru Yamada, a scientist at Nagaoka
 University of Technology Japan, who collaborated with researchers at Mitsubishi 
Rayon Co. Ltd. and Tokyo Metropolitan University. Using anodic porous alumina 
molds, they were able to nanoimprint the microstructure of moth’s eyes into 
acrylic resin – this provided a high throughput, large-area/low-cost method 
of producing the film.

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Based on the results of indoor and outdoor tests of crystalline silicon solar 
panels coated with the film, the team’s computer models indicated that use 
of the film could boost the annual efficiency of solar cells by five percent in 
Tokyo, and six percent in the “sun belt” city of Phoenix. “People may think 
this improvement is very small, but the efficiency of photovoltaics is just like 
fuel consumption rates of road vehicles,” said Yamada. “Every little bit helps.”

They are now working on improving the durability of the film, and optimizing it
 for use on different types of solar cells. They are also looking into using it to 
reduce glare on surfaces such as windows and computer screens, although in
 that area they may be facing some competition – Germany’s Fraunhofer
 Institute for Mechanics of Materials has already developed an anti-reflective
 coating for use on displays and eyeglasses, which was also inspired by moth’s 
eyes. In Franuhofer’s case, the coating is incorporated into the viewing surface
 during the molding process, instead of being added afterward in the form of a 

The reasons that moths have anti-reflective eyes, incidentally, is to allow them to
 gather as much light as possible in the dark, and to avoid being seen by predators.

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