Samsung ST30 digital camera offers great shots, anytime, anywhere

posted by sooyup

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Digital cameras sure have come a long way from their VGA roots, and 
nowadays the two-digit megapixel limit is fast approaching its twenties even 
for the most basic of models from the gamut of manufacturers out there. Samsung
 intends to cater to a broad spectrum of users, with their ST30 model touted 
to deliver great shots just about anytime and anywhere despite coming in an 
ultra portable form factor. T

The Samsung ST30 is roughly the size of an average cell phone, making it the
 ideal device to stash away into your pocket or handbag, although we do wonder
 whether at that size, most people would prefer to stick to their cell phone 
cameras which frankly speaking, aren’t too shabby at all when it comes to
 snapping photos and recording videos (the iPhone 4′s CMOS sensor comes
 to mind). At least Samsung has decided to endow the ST30 with a unique 
design finished with a high quality metal body and party enhancing color of
 your choice.

Being small doesn’t mean it is short on features – no sir, Samsung has thrown 
in Smart Auto focus which is an internal battery charging system, a 28mm lens
 and 3x power optical zoom into its fun-sized body. Not only that, the additional
 image stabilization will deliver more value to your camera experience, 
preventing even the tiniest shake so that you will get the sharpest images 
all the time. Of course, we do have our doubts about that claim since low light 
conditions are always a tricky environment for a camera to be in.

An advanced 10.1-megapixel sensor will provide sharp, crisp detail to make your 
images stand out from the crowd, while it will be accompanied by an innovative 
face detection technology, Red-eye fix and even next generation technology 
which is capable of detecting facial blinking. Basically, it means that whether
 it’s bright disco lights or sunshine, you are able to make sure that the eyes of 
your subjects are open and ready for the perfect shot. Not only that, the ST30
 will also perform a quick Photoshop fix – evening out skin tones, erasing 
blemishes and removing dark circles for you to control the quality of your 
appearance in anysituation.

If you’re ready to bust open your purse strings for the Samsung ST30, it 
will only be out this coming March for $99.99 a pop – not too shabby, don’t 
you think so?

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