New site dedicated to organic wines:

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Evelyne Malnic

Evelyne was one of my travelling companions on the last November FIJEV trip to Tuscany. She has just launched a new website called Plus belle la vigne bio dedicated to organic wines

'Evelyne Malnic a le plaisir de vous annoncer la naissance de son dernier "ouvrage" – Plus belle la vigne bio: Un site tout entier dédié aux vins bio. Les connaître, les choisir, les apprécier.'
'Espérer. Ne boudons pas notre plaisir. Le vin bio se porte bien, très bien même. Les chiffres sont là qui le proclament : + 16% de surfaces bio en un an, 24% d’exploitations supplémentaires, très forte croissance des surfaces en conversion dépassant même les surfaces bio. Du jamais vu.'

Evelyne's new site is launched at a timely moment with the news that for the first time the death of a French wine producer has been linked to the use of pesticides. On 15th January Yannick Chenet died of leukaemia aged 43.

French winegrowers warned over pesticide use
A French winegrower, who died after contracting leukaemia becoming the first farmer to have his illness officially linked to the pesticides he used for years on his crops, has spoken from beyond the grave giving a warning to the industry.

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