RoboCar ZMP gets an upgrade or Knight Rider is now a Smart Car

posted by sooyup

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It has been about six months since we reported on the RoboCar MEV from ZMP. 
At the time, it was a littlerobot head on a car frame that came off as cute.

Clearly, the Robocar MEV has grown up a little, and looks more like a real car!
 Well, a Smart Car, at least. It is definitely following the Knight Rider model as it
 is self driving! Since it is electric, it is a gentler, more eco-conscious KITT.

So how does it drive on its own? It uses GPS as well as front and rear sensors.
 According to my Source, it sounds like you can actually buy one now. What? A 
self-driving car that isn’t some concept car for a future date? Check the prices 
out after the jump. By the way, check out the video as well. You might want to 
mute the music, as it is really bad rip-off of the James Bond theme.

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