Detouring for a budget lunch

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Yesterday we went to Le Detour for lunch. The address is Civray-en-Touraine but Le Detour is on the D976 road just to the east of the start of the Bléré bypass. The lunchtime menu is 11.50€ for four courses – well cooked and good value – certainly recommended for a lunch stop if you are in the area or driving through the area. Most of wines sourced from Aupetitgendre about 100 metres away. Le Detour is about five kilometres from the Bléré-Sublaines exit from the A85 autoroute.


2005 Cuvée des Lys (Gamay, Cabernet and Côt), Touraine, Aupetitgendre

There are also menus at 13.90€ and 19.90€ plus snacks at the bar, dépôt de pain, journal.

1 rue de Bléré, 37150 Civray-en-Touraine
Open 6am-22h except Sunday night, Tuesday night and all day Wednesday.

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