Domaine Aupetitgendre Touraine Côt 2008

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Philippe, le patron of Le Detour in Civray-en-Touraine, kindly gave me this Côt from their neighbour, Claude Aupetitgendre. When we had lunch at Le Detour on 19th June we had enjoyed a bottle of Claude’s Cuvée Les Lys 2005, which is a blend of Cabernet, Côt and Gamay.

This 2008 Côt is still very young with an intense purple hue and has some concentration of fruit. However, I don’t find this fully convincing as I think there is a hint of reduction on the nose and the acidity is quite marked. I know high acidity is common in 2008 but I wonder whether these grapes could have been picked just a little later and given a better result. I also wonder whether a few months more élévage (maturing) would have rounded out the wine more. But as Claude Aupetitgendre notes on his back label this is a wine that needs to age, so it would be interesting to try again in a year or so.

The back label gives the sensible advice that this should be served at 16˚C – I'll bet that if served in a restaurant in the summer the chances are that it will be served too warm. Also the advise is that it can be kept for seven years.

Claude Aupetitgendre
12 Rue des Fougères, 37150 Civray-en-Touraine

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