Gérard Boulay + a change of email in the Roannaise

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Gérard Boulay: June 2006

David McDuff has a good posting on Gérard Boulay, an excellent Sancerre producer in Chavignol, now beginning to get the press attention his wines deserve. Like the Cotat wines Gérard Boulay's Sancerre need time in bottle to develop fully. I remember enjoying his 1998 Les Monts Damnés in 2006 when, although it had evolved, it still had plenty of life left.


Change of email address

Simon Hawkins@Le Salon des Vins de Loire

Simon and Isabelle Hawkins of the Domaine du Fontenay (Villemontais) in the Côte Roannaise have a new email address: info@domainedufontenay.com

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