The exchange rate: the spectre at the feast

posted by sooyup on

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Although 2009 is generally looking very promising in the Loire, there is one dark, menacing cloud – the current strength of the euro against both the dollar and sterling. As predicted by several merchants I spoke to in February at the Salon des Vins de Loire in Angers, French wine is being hammered by sterling's weakness. In mid-August it did look as though the pound was moving in the right direction when it briefly it £1=1.18€. Unfortunately since then it has been all downhill with sterling now hovering around £1=1.09€ and the possibility of parity not far off. The rate against the dollar is no better with one dollar worth 69 cents in the eurozone.

Seeing British cars in the Loire has now become quite rare. Last week Thierry Delaunay remarked that they had seen few British visitors at the domaine this year.

It will be no good having a wonderful vintage if you can't sell your wines in two of your most important export markets – USA and the UK.

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