Weather stats for September 2009

posted by sooyup on

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James Marchais (Epeigné-les-Bois) – transferring cagets (small picking boxes) onto a lrager trailer. Brilliant blue sky was a feature of much of the latter part of September. (Photo: CRM)

Here are some stats for rainfall, temperature and hours of sunshine for September from four weather centres:

Rainfall: 56.6mm – average for last 30 years: 62.6mm
Temperatures: 22.7˚ average max – average for last 30 years: 21.6˚
Sunshine: 219 hours – average for last 30 years 168 hours. (Record total of sunshine hours 284 in 1997)

Rainfall: 29.8mm – average for last 30 years: 55.8mm
Temperatures: 22.7˚ average max – average for last 30 years: 21.5˚
Sunshine: 214 hours – average for last 30 years 168 hours. (Record total of sunshine hours 291 in 1997)

Rainfall: 37.8mm – average for last 30 years: 54.8mm
Temperatures: 23.0˚ average max – average for last 30 years: 21.7˚
Sunshine: 214 hours – average for last 30 years 165 hours. (Record total of sunshine hours 257 in 1997)

Rainfall: 44.1mm – average for last 30 years: 68.2mm
Temperatures: 23.4˚ average max – average for last 30 years: 21.8˚
Sunshine: 233 hours – average for last 30 years 173 hours. (Record total of sunshine hours 276 in 1997)

Confirms that throughout the Loire September 2009 has had less rain, more sunshine and slightly higher maximum temperatures than the average. The month has not, however, broken any records.

Details from Météo France

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