Scariest speed camera is first to check on multiple driving offenses

posted by sooyup

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The speed camera that we are going to introduce you with isn’t the one you generally see on the highways but the most advanced one known till date. In the latest effort to regulate traffic laws strictly, the speed camera can not only detect the speed but can check the number plates to make sure that insurance and tax are up to date, measure the distance between vehicle to spot tailgating and take pictures of the of the inside of the vehicle in order to ensure driver is wearing a seat belt.

The latest and most advanced weapon in speed camera technology, the speedcamera is the first to keep check on the multiple offenses. It can capture footage from 150ft away and is connected to the police computers via satellite. Means, the prosecution for the offense starts within seconds of any offense.

The development of the system is known as Asset which is acronym for AdvancedSafety and Driver Support for Essential Road Transport and is funded with around$11.17million of European money. The device is currently being tested by the VTT Technical Research Centre in Finland and is expected to be developed across Europe from 2013 with an estimated cost of $79,788.98 each.

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